The checklist is never complete

What a great way to finish up 2018 #NetNarr with a 'green-screen-faking-it' video from Mia Zamora and Alan Levine. I just want them to shake hands so I know it's real! Two wonderful academics that have guided us through this maze we call Network Narratives. I'm wrapping up another #NetNarr event. The Final Final checklist suggested a few ways to curate what has been happening and I think this would be valuable for me now and as a way of reflection.

Blog Posts

Daily Digital Alchemies
From the 20 creations or interactions, one of my favourites was: From the Inside Out that resulted in this video. Trees, crochet and cats! This also echoes an ongoing theme for me in Network Narratives:

~ The ability to see things in a different light ~

TAGS explorer - Twitter, once again, provided a rich ground for interaction and connection in this course. The Summary doesn't really mean much to me. I was shown in the Top 10 of Conversationalists which I find more interesting as a mark of participation and type of participation (not just tweeting out).

The Project
A Museum of Digital Life
The Alchemists Lab was the best part of the course for me. This was initiated and implemented with open participants, Uni students and Connected Learning MOOC (CLMOOC) participants. The blog post above describes it more.

Make Bank
I used the make bank and got involved with the #SelfieUnSelfie project. Mia Zamora created a Twitter Moment to capture the work for this project. Also this picture from the Bergen Public Library (my image is bottom left).

That is the evidence. Yet, I'm sure I'll get that question 'What did you learn?'. From the prompts given in the Final Final post, I'll try to put down on paper, the impacts of this course.

What interested me was the intersections of a closed and open course. As well as the aspects of global learning from Norway, USA, Egypt and places in between. I was intrigued by the clear differences in the Uni classes and how this was approached by the two professors running them. This year there was Alan's version and Mia's version, loosely covering the same topics over the semester. I was challenged by our open project "The Alchemist Lab" and how to implement this from idea to completion. I was super under-challenged by the lack of focus or attention of the open participants. I felt that the open aspect of the course was more about the professors that were not co-located and hence the need to be open about some of the aspects of teaching.

What I gained from examining the theme of “This Digital Life” were a whole lot more digital artifacts. Also an understanding of different digital genres, examining networks and what they mean to me.An understanding of how a digital life can be misunderstood by those that don't have that and the pleasure of someone's first tweet!

The skills I would like to carry forward from this course is to be responsible to the reader. While most of the blogging is for my own benefit, I'm more aware that life is too short for digital spam. We can make a difference by being intentional in our creations. My advise for other people pondering #NetNarr is get involved in a small way or a big way. It's not mysterious when you are creating the mystery!


  1. Thanks Wendy for your start to finish strong participation in NetNarr. I hope you know that it means a lot for these students to experience even glancing connections with open participants; they are an essential part of the alchemy mix.

    There is much I am eager to blog about the class, and especially the open lab project that you, Kevin, and others engineered. That kind of openness is the stuff people at conferences might pontificate about; you truly made it happen.

  2. Thanks for the reflections. Working on thinking about writing mine.

  3. Hi Wendy! This year's #NetNarr run has been a true challenge from my end. Unforeseen institutional constraints (as a Visiting Fulbright Prof on sabbatical in a new European Univ setting) definitely shaped/hemmed in certain aspects of my usual teaching practice. In short, there was specific content I was asked to cover, and 75 students to meet with in a large lecture hall twice a week (i.e. not my usual or preferred pedagogical context for open connected learning). That said, I did learn a great deal while continuing with the general #netnarr plan under these (not so unique) constraints. As a result, I have new and invaluable experiential knowledge about the challenges of open learning, while designing for both emergence and connectivity. I hope to explore some of these tensions in some new writing. I would love to continue the conversation and hear some of your thoughts (and maybe a few other open participants too...) for some case study perspective on that forthcoming reflection. At any rate, thanks for being a fantastic thinking/making partner always!! -Mia


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