Next Gen LMS

Photo by NASA on Unsplash Reading the ever-exciting New Media Consortium 2017 report , it lists Next Generation Digital Learning Environments (NGDLE) on the 2-3 year timeframe for adoption. I'm thinking about Network Narratives in this framework and realise that what we have in the various resources of this course, makes up a learning ' portal ' (pg 45). Whether this provides a deeper learning experience than signing up for a Learning Management System (LMS) experience is something that I am pondering. A portal that allows a different view from sea to sky, clear blue hard to summarise for others multi-faceted in tools not so many rules open in nature shareable is preferred remix is encouraged onwards we learn from this portal. While my formal, mega-paid-up, education is within an LMS (or VLE for the Northern European folk), it's a very flat file, non-agile experience. There are reports to read, discussion board items to writ...