Selfie Unselfie Project

Unselfie Title: Who am I looking at? Artist Statement I question my self What is my normal How can I portray the digital version What happens to my embodiment Where is my fingerprint I am unique and trackable Is my eye in contact with you Where is your reply Do I look at myself Do I look at the future viewers (That posthuman lens) One last glimpse Where are my hands, wrist, elbow, ankle 1 minute / 8 shots / choose one / upload / download / New post Insert image / Write / Preview / Edit / Publish I'm reduced to common ones and zeros There is no art in that! Selfie : Twitter Profile picture Purpose: To give the impression of a 'real' person that you could talk to Design: Black and white to differentiate from the multitude of colour, taken at an angle like a passport photo, taken to resemble the image that you would see if we had a video hangout, taken in my work office. by Wendy Taleo for the # selfieunselfie project 2018 ...